Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blog Assignment#4

My big idea for the final work is 'imagination'. So, I found some art works from internet. The genre of most of the art works that I found are surrealism.

James Sutton's work Green fog and green sky. We have never seen before. He created very mysterious mood by using green color. This is a very good example to create mysterious or fantastic mood for my final project.

Todd Schorr's work

Very very creative! Monster world? Humorous and it seems to be telling us lots of stories!

Bechira Sorin's work
Very abstract but very well balanced composition. Spacially dynamic, but silent mood. Its composition can be appiled to my final project. Using similar compositon, I think I could create impossible space.

Like these drawings, I'd like to create 'imagination world' for the final work. And I will use new technique which I learned from internet.

the original image

the result

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